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About SpanishDict
Spanish is a global language that is spoken by over 500 million native speakers predominantly in North America, South America and Spain. It is the official language of 20 countries and is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Spanish is also an official language of many international organizations such as the European Union, Organization of American States, African Union, and many others. It is said to be the second most spoken native language in the world and the fourth largest spoken in the world. No wonder then, that there is a keen interest in citizens around the world to learn Spanish.
Learning a language involves vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, idiomatic usage and local usages. A person wanting to learn Spanish must go deeper than just knowing a few words and sentences. SpanishDict is a website and app that provides help to millions of students every year to learn Spanish. It is a one-stop destination for Spanish language references and learning materials.
SpanishDict is a product of Curiosity Media, the owner of leading Spanish and English learning websites such as and Fluencia, which are the source of help to over 100 million people each year to access reliable and user-friendly resources to speak English and Spanish. All resources at Curiosity Media are accurate and backed by tons of research by committed team members who are experts in the field.
Learning Spanish with SpanishDict is easy as it features millions of free high – quality translation, conjugations of Spanish verbs, and real time comparison of sophisticated translation engines. This makes learning Spanish practical and effective. Real life exercises with common conversation topics are included so as to make learning Spanish effective.
Topics include introducing yourself and immersive conversational lessons on everyday exchanges. An important feature of lessons on SpanishDict is the listening comprehension exercises. Listening skills are developed through interactive videos with clear audio exercises featuring native speakers. Every language has a unique grammar that is important for language mastery. SpanishDict has lessons for as wide a range of verb tense and Spanish grammar that is possible. There are lessons for learners of all levels.
Whether one is a beginner or an advanced learner who wishes to brush up their language skills, SpanishDict has help for everyone. There is a section for word of the day, where one word is introduced every day with meaning and translation to make it easy for learners to understand and internalize the word.
Lessons include everyday situations that a new speaker of Spanish would encounter in general conversations, first day of school, hobbies, at the restaurant, family gatherings and birthdays. Vocabulary lists include colors, clothing, verbs, music terms and regional usages. SpanishDict also has a translation tool that will help you translate accurately with spelling, grammar and syntax. Translate anything that you need – be it a sign, email or product.
The SpanishDict app can be downloaded on the App store for iOS devices and on Google Play Store for Android devices. This gives learners a chance to learn Spanish as required even while on the go.