Contact Sono Bello: Find below customer service details of Sono Bello, US, including phone and email. Besides contact details, the page also offers a brief overview of the cosmetics clinic and its services. Reach the Sono Bello customer service below for queries, complaints or feedback.

Head Office
8900 E Pinnacle Peak Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
United States

Customer Service
Phone: 1-800-995-1136

About Sono Bello
Sono Bello is a chain of liposuction clinics founded by Dr Tom Garrrison in 2008. The cosmetic brand has presence in over 32 locations and boasts experienced plastic and facial plastic surgeons numbering to 90. Having performed over 76,000 total body transformation procedures, Sono Bello has grown to be a leading brand for a wide range of body and facial cosmetic procedures.

Sono Bello says it uses FDA-cleared technology for both laser-lipo and facial lifting procedures. It also uses micro-laser technology for enhancing skin tones. If you need a consultation, note that specialists are available round the clock at office or through phone. You can even drop your personal contact details for a free consultation. Find Sono Bello centers across Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Orlando, Philadelphia, Salt Late City, Seattle, Tacoma and Manhattan, among others.

For reducing fat, patients at the Sono Bello can enquire for the Trisculpt Micro-Laser Lipo that determines the best treatment options for your body shape. It is painless and permanently removes fat. There is also the Sono Bello facelift procedure called Lift that enhances jawline and neck contour. For cellulite reduction and for body reshaping, there is the VelShape service. There are affordable financing options in case you are concerned of low budget. For more information or queries on locations, rates, consultation or others, reach the Sono Bello customer service.

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Last Update: December 13, 2016