Head Office
Hungarian National Police Headquarters
1139 Budapest,
Teve u. 4-6
Phone: 112 or 107
Phone: +36 80 555 111
Phone: 443-5000 (Budapest support)
Email: budapest@budapest.police.hu (Budapest support)
Aboutย Rendorseg
Hungry’s chief law enforcement agency is named Rendorseg. Founded in 1990, it employs more than 50,000 and is managed by the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior. The law enforcement services are provided by two agencies – National Police and National Tax and Customs Office. The national police is headquartered at Budapest and manages several police commands. The commands are spread across Baranya, Bacs-Kiskun, Bekes, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Csongrad, Fejer, Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hajdu-Bihar, Heves, Komarom-Esztergom, Nograd, Pest, Somogy, Tolna, Vas, Veszprem and Zala.
The chief law enforcement agency in Hungary is made up of a central unit, police HQ, border policing stations and police stations. The three key branches include the criminal investigation branch, the antir-terror uniot and the economic service. The police are entrusted with varying degrees of power. They investigate offences, carry our raids, question witnesses and interrogate suspects.
The Rendorseg staff works round the clock to uphold and enforce the law, protect life and and property. Additionally, they work to promote and preserve public order and protect internal security. The police is also responsible for protecting the state border and managing traffic enforcement tasks. The Customs Office is responsible for monitoring trade of export goods, confiscating illegal products and checking tax stamps and seals.
If you want to report a crime, you can call the emergency helpline or visit any of the nearest police station. The website also has sections to download forms, get information on fines, traffic violations, or others. Interested in joining the Hungarian national police force? Know the dates, formalities and benefits on the Job section.ย For more information or queries on branches, reporting crime, fines, forms, career/jobs, or others, reach the Hungarian Police support.