Find below the customer service details of Bern Railway Station. Besides contact details, the page also offers a brief overview of the train hub.

Bollwerk 4
3011 Bern

Phone: 0848 44 66 88
Phone: 0900 300 300
Phone: +41 – 0 512 202 931

About Bern Railway Station
Bern Railway Station comes under the governance of the federal city of Switzerland. Plied under the Swiss Federal Railways, this station acts as a conjunction for multiple national railway stations as well as the international trains that are under the provision of Italy. The station is named the centerpiece of the transport business of the capital of Switzerland. Henceforth, this place in itself is a tourist destination that can’t be overlooked just like that.

During the time between connecting trains, you can also travel to nearby tourist spots. And for sure, you won’t regret the visit. Federal Building (Bundeshaus), Prison Tower (Kafigturm), Church of the Holy Ghost, Statue J. Niggeler, Clock Tower – Zytglogge, and World City Trail are some of the places that are minutes of travel away from the Bern Railway Station.

Know the Connecting Stations

With Bern city being the economical and technological hub of the country, the station provides rather frequent travel services all around the country. These services mainly vary on an hourly and half-hourly basis. However, in certain cases, a train centered around a certain station passes through it every 15 minutes. For hourly services: The trains to Zurich Hauptbahnhof, Brig, Geneva Airport, St. Gallen, Lucerne, and Bulle cross over to referred areas through this station. As for half-hourly services, there are trains every 30 minutes connecting Belp, Biel, Thun, Burgdorf, Fribourg, Solothurn, and Schwarzenburg. Besides these, there are late-night trains and intercity trains as well.

Been S-Bahn provides half-hourly and 15 minutes services to the passengers. RegioExpress on the other hand provides hourly services to Brig, Thun, and Zweisimmen. Intercity provides hourly services to Brig, St. Fallen, Geneva Airport, and Zurich. Bern is one of the largest railway stations in the entirety of Europe. And, even at the time of a rush hour, it can provide a number of services to passengers.

Guide on Tickets

Besides the Point-to-Point tickets, there are a large number of other opportunities that are provided for passengers at the Bern Railway Station. The multiple-journey tickets propose the same kind of facilities. Using these, a person can travel through the train network for a certain time without paying any additional charges.

Also, there are group tickets when you are traveling in a group. Or city tickets when you are using a railway network to travel through a certain city. Half-fare tickets for children are used rather frequently at this station. All these tickets can be bought through online means, local ticket machines, or ticket validators.

If you want to enjoy an entire day in Switzerland to your fullest, nothing can be better than a day pass. Using this pass, you can travel through the entirety of the country using the train network for free. This opportunity is available not only for individuals but for groups as well. It means that if you are traveling as a group, like a club, class, or school group, you might as well get a discount of 30% on getting your day passes. When these groups consist of children or educational faculty, the groups are entitled to a much greater discount rate.

In case of a delay or cancellation of a train, a person is entitled to appropriate compensation or a refund. For this, one must file an official application asking for a refund. When a train is delayed by 30 minutes or around that time, it makes passengers entitled to compensation of 25% of the price of the train ticket. When the delay is of 60 minutes or more, a compensation of 50% of the price of a train ticket becomes mandatory.

When a connecting train is delayed or when a person has to do an overnight stay to catch up with a delayed train, all services will be provided to the passenger on the behalf of the train station. He will also be entitled to a 100% refund of the ticket fee.

For certain reasons, if a train at the Bern Railway Station is canceled, then the concerned party is entitled to appropriate compensation. The compensation, in this case, varies along with the time for which the train was not able to provide service to you.

When you are not able to reach your planned destination within 30 minutes of scheduled time, the passenger is entitled to a refund of 50% of the ticket price as a refund. In case, if the station is not able to provide a replacement for the canceled train, there is a high possibility for your journey to be close to free. Also in the due time, it is the station that will be entitled to provide refreshments to the concerned passengers.

Reporting Lost Baggage

In case of lost property, the concerned party must file a report regarding the missing baggage. This report has to account for all the information that you have on the baggage. It should give a brief account of the materials or products that were included in the baggage, the train that you were traveling through, and other crucial information that can help in determining your luggage. On successful recovery of the lost package, it will be sent over to the specified address after confirmation.

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Last Update: July 8, 2022