Bitget is an innovative cryptocurrency trading and investment platform. The company helps provide users with an easy and secure way to buy, sell, and manage digital assets.

With its cutting-edge technology, Bitget allows investors to stay one step ahead in the market. As a result, users will be able to make smarter trading decisions in today’s fast-paced financial marketplace.

Bitget is committed to providing users with the highest levels of security, convenience, and access to a wide range of investment opportunities. Whether you are an experienced trader or just getting started, Bitget has all the tools you need for successful investing.

Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Seychelles, the platform has amassed more than 8 million registered users worldwide. According to reports, the average daily trading volume on the platform has exceeded a total of $10 billion, thereby making Bitget one of the top five biggest derivative exchanges in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Currently, the supported payment methods that one can use to purchase cryptocurrencies include debit and credit cards from major vendors such as Visa and MasterCard. Additionally, alternative forms of payment include Google Pay, Apple Pay, XanPool, and Banxa.

How to Withdraw Balance From Bitget?

If you are planning to close or delete your Bitget account, you must withdraw any available balance because the same will not be accessible after the termination of your account. To do that, follow the steps provided below.

  1. Launch the Bitget app on your smartphone (iOS and Android) or visit the official Bitget website here.
  2. Log in to your account and then head over to “Assets”. Select the cryptocurrency that you want to withdraw. After that, click on “Withdraw”.
  3. Next, you have to enter your withdrawal amount, the withdrawal address, and the required verification codes (email verification and Google Authentication).
  4. Once done, your withdrawal will be completed. Expect a delay of five to ten minutes for the withdrawal amount to appear at the receiving address.

How to Cancel or Close Bitget Account Online?

Deleting your Bitget account online is one of the easiest ways to accomplish your objective. To do that, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Start the account deletion process by first heading over to the official login page here. Use your email or mobile number along with your password to sign in.
  2. Once signed in, click on your profile icon (present in the top-right corner) and then select โ€œSecurity Settingsโ€ from the drop-down menu.
  3. A new web page will open, where you will have to look for the option, โ€œAccount Activityโ€. Under account activity, you will find the option to delete your account.
  4. Selecting the โ€œDelete Accountโ€ option will open a pop-up window where you will have to accept the terms and conditions, and then select โ€œContinueโ€.
  5. On the final step, you have to enter your account password again, as well as the verification code sent to your registered email address. Once done, your Bitget account will be permanently deleted, and a confirmation message will be sent to your email too.

How to Close Bitget Account via App?

Bitget released its official smartphone app on Android and iOS. If you are using any of the aforementioned platforms, then follow the suggested steps below for a straightforward experience.

1. Begin the account deletion process by first downloading the app on your Android or iOS smartphone, either from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

2. Once downloaded, launch the app and sign in to your account.

3. After signing in, click on the profile icon that is present in the top-left corner of your screen. Then you have to click the arrow (>) icon present on the right side of your account ID.

4. From the account info, select โ€œCancel Accountโ€. Once done, you have to accept the terms and conditions and then click on โ€œConfirmโ€.

5. In the subsequent step, you have to enter your account password and the email verification code sent to you. Once done, your account will be deleted forever.

How to Close Bitget Account via Email?

Bitgetโ€™s email support is available 24ร—7, which means that if you are planning to close your account seamlessly, follow the outlined steps mentioned below.

  1. To close your Bitget account, you have to first draft an email using your registered email address.
  2. Make sure to mention the reason for contacting (account deletion) in the subject line. The body of the email should contain your full name, your user ID, your email address, a reason explaining why you want your account to be closed, and any necessary files or attachments that you deem necessary.
  3. Once done, send the email to the official support team at
  4. After the support team verifies your request, you will receive a follow-up email for further confirmation.
  5. Once you provide your final confirmation, your account will be closed permanently.

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Last Update: May 22, 2023