Contact Softonic: Find below customer service details of, including phone and email. Besides contact details, the page also offers a brief overview of the company. Reach the customer service below for support, complaints or feedback.

Head Office
Softonic International
Ed. Media TIC
Roc Boronat 117, Planta 6
08018 Barcelona, Spain

Customer Service
Phone: +34 – 936 012 700 (corporate)
Email: [email protected] (corporate)
Email: [email protected] (data protection officer)

About Softonic
Softonic is a popular platform for free software downloads. Launched in the year 1997, Softonic started as Shareware Intercom. The website, created by Tomas Diago, is owned by Softonic International. It is visited by more than 100 million users each month. Softonic claims to be the world’s largest software and app discovery destination. More than 4 million apps and software products are downloaded on the platform each day. The website is available in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Korean, Chinese, German and French. Softonic is headquartered at Barcelona, Spain. It also has offices in the US, Japan and Mexico.

On the Softonic website, you can search for apps by keyword or navigating through the categories. The list of categories include browsers, security, games, business/productivity, Internet, network, multimedia, IT, lifestyle, utilities and tools. As for the top downloads on Softonic, you have Shareit, Utorrent, Adobe Reader, Google Chrome, YTD Video Downloader, Winrar, VLC Media Player, WhatsApp, Mozilla Firefox, iTunes, Adobe Flash Player, Instagram, iTunes, among others. You also can filter apps by latest and trending. The different license types you will find include free, free (GPL), free (ads), trial version, demo and full version.

All programs listed on the website are reviewed by expert editors. Additionally, the programs are scanned with more than 30 antivirus engines. On each product page, you can read the detailed description, the license, pros and cons, and user reviews describing the experience with the product. If you have used the software, you can rate the same and even embed the program into your website. If its a paid program, you can purchase same through trusted partners of Softonic. If you are not a Windows user, Softonic also lists programs compatible with Mac, Android, and iOS. Sign up for the Softonic newsletter to discover new apps, games and software. Also, follow all the latest in the software industry by reading the news section. For more information or queries on registration, downloads, technical assistance, advertising, career/jobs, or others, reach the Softonic support.

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Last Update: October 24, 2018