Contact Simply Hired Inc: Find below customer service details of Besides contact details, the page also offers a brief overview of the company.

Head Office
Simply Hired, Inc.
Sunnyvale, California,
United States

Customer Service
Email: [email protected]

About Simply Hired
Simply Hired is a job search engine launched in the year 2005. Operating as a subsidiary of Recruit Holdings, Simply Hired connects employers and job seekers in over 24 countries. The company operates separate websites for regions such as Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Spain and the UK. Job seekers can browse new job posts by company, city or skills. There is also a search tool to help search a job by title or company.

On each of the job posts, you will find a brief overview of the firm, the description of the job and an estimate of the annual salary. There is an Apply Now button to show your interest to the job. If you are a recruiter, you can swiftly find potential candidates by making a job post for free. Your job posts get posted within a network of 100+ job boards. Candidate resumes will be sent directly to your inbox. More than 30,00,000 companies have used the platform to post jobs. For more information or queries on registration, payment, refund, cancellation, or others, reach the Indeed customer service.

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Last Update: October 25, 2017