Contact Magzter: Find below customer service details of, including phone and email. Besides contact details, the page also offers a brief overview of the digital magazine store. Reach the customer service below for support, complaints or feedback.

Head Office
Magzter Inc
One Rockefeller Plaza
11th Floor, New York
NY 10020, United States

Customer Service
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] (publisher support)
Phone: nil

About Magzter
Magzter is a digital magazine newsstand founded by Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan in 2011. The fast growing digital magazine store boasts of more than 11,500 magazines from over 4,000 publishers. Headquartered at New York, Magzter also manages operations with local offices in Mexico, India, UK, Singapore, South Africa and Japan. There are more than 51 million digital consumers on the platform. Through Magzter, magazine publishers also can create digital editions that reach to global consumers. Through OREY Click Publishing System, publishers can upload their magazine with a single touch. Besides the web, Magzter is available on iOS and Android platforms.

A key offering from the company has been the Magzter GOLD subscription service, which gives readers unlimited access to thousands of magazines for an affordable cost. With one premium account, you can read 5,000+ magazines, share account with 4 family members and download magazines to read them offline. Further, also explore premium articles across your favorite categories. You can try the subscription free for first seven days before upgrading. If interested in digital subscription plans, you can choose single issue, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year plans. If you have someone in your family or friends circle who loves reading, you can gift a Magazine Gift Card or Magzter Gold Gift Card

On the Magzter homepage, you can filter magazines by new arrivals, top paid magazines and popular magazines. Some of the popular names you will find featured include Maxim, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg Businessweek, Muscle & Fitness, Taste of Home, Motor Trend, People, Fortune, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, Forbes, Climbing, Esquire, Travel+Leisure, Food & Wine, Inc, Drive, Global Traveler, among others. The list is exhaustive and the easiest way to filter is through the categories listed such as lifestyle, education, business, news, travel, fashion, and newspaper. Also filter by languages English, Hindi, Turkish, Russian, Indonesian, Italian, or Thai.

Magzter subscription does not include physical print copies. If you need print copies, you can contact the publisher directly. Payment for subscriptions can be made using Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express. The subscriptions renew automatically. You can stop or cancel the service by signing into your account. Are you a publisher? Magzter’s solutions will help your magazine gain exposure and reach to readers in more than 175 countries. You can sell single issues or subscriptions of your magazines. There is zero setup fee. Publishers can get their magazine live digitally on web, tablet or smartphone devices with one-single upload. You can also create dedicated iOS/Android app, add custom web page links, embed videos and much more. You can sign up for a publisher account on the website. For more information or queries on payment, cancellation, refund, career, or others, reach the Magzter support.

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Last Update: June 4, 2019