Contact Cuisinart: Find below customer service details of Cuisinart, including phone and email. Besides contact details, the page also offers a brief overview of the home appliances brand. Reach the customer service below for queries, complaints or feedback.

Head Office
1 Cummings Point Road Stamford,
CT 06904 United States

Customer Service
Phone: 1-800-211-9604
Phone: 1-800-726-0190
Email: [email protected]

About Cuisinart
Cuisinart is a US-based home appliances brand launched by Carl Sontheimer in the year 1971. The company’s first product was a food processor. Today it has diversified, with products including bakeware, handheld blenders, ovens, coffeemakers and cookware. Cuisinart also manufactures and sells grills, hand mixers, waffle makers, juice extractor, toasters, rice cookers, and kitchen tools. Currently, the company is owned and operated by Conair Corporation.

Cuisinart’s products can be purchased with major retailers, both online and offline. On the website, you can locate some of the retailers from where you can purchase products. If you have already purchased a Cuisinart product, you can register same online to keep track of purchase, warranty and service. For more information or queries on store locations, service center, warranty, return, or others reach the Cuisinart customer service.

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Last Update: June 12, 2017