Contact Windstream: Find below customer service details of Windstream company, including phone and address. You can reach the below contact for queries on Windstream phones, internet, digital tv, wireless, bill payments, packages or other questions. Besides contact details, the page also offers information and links on Windstream services.

Windstream Head Office
4001 Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, AR 72212 USA
Phone: 501-748-7000

Windstream Customer Service
Reach the below numbers for customer support on Windstream phones, internet broadband or DigitalTV queries.
Phone: 1-866-971-WIND (9463)
Phone: 866-445-5880 (general)
Phone: 800-481-5441 (online orders)
Phone: 1-800-843-9214 (business support)

Technical Support
Phone: 866-445-0978 (internet support)
Phone: 866-445-3194 (phone repairs)

Online Bill Payment
To view or pay your Windstream bill online click here. You can make your payment through credit card, debit card or electronic check.

Windstream Store
Click here to locate a Windstream store nearest to your street. You can purchase new products and also pay your bills at these stores.

Windstream Online Shop
Visit the Windstream online shop to purchase Bundle TV, High-speed internet, Digital TV or to subscribe for phone calling plans. You can also purchase cordless phones, novelty phones, PC accessories, safety phone, desktops, laptops and electronics such as DVD players, MP3 players, cameras, tablets and more.

About Windstream
windstream customer serviceWindstream Corporation was founded in the year 2006 with the merger of Alltel and Valor. Windstream today is one of the largest providers of telecommunications services in rural communities in America. Headquartered in Arkansas, the company with $4 billion in annual revenues offers services to over 3.3 million access lines in 29 states in US. The company’s acquisitions include PAETEC, KDL, Hosted Solutions, D&E Communications, Iowa Telecom, NuVox and Lexcom.

Services: Windstream’s internet plans include 3Mbps Internet connection, 6Mbps and 12Mbps. For Digital TV you have America’s Top 120, Top 200 and Top 250. You can get access to all popular channels, including CNN, ESPN, Discovery in HD high-quality. Windstream’s business products include managed hosting services, cloud computing solutions, MPLS networking, VOIP, network security, internet services, business phone lines, voice solutions and more.

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Last Update: September 21, 2011