Contact Teletalk: Find below customer service details of Teletalk in Bangladesh. The page also offers information on the company’s products and services. Reach the Teletalk customer service below for complaints, feedback or other queries.

Teletalk Head Office
House No- C.E.S (A)-39,
Road No-116, Gulshan-1,
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88 0155 015 4444

Teletalk Customer Service
Phone: 121 or 144
Phone: 0155-0157750/60
Email: [email protected]

About Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd
teletalkTeletalk is a Bangladesh-based telecommunications operator, providing mobile telephone service for over 10 years. Beginning operations in the year 2004, Teletalk today boasts of a network covering 64 districts. The company’s services include postpaid/prepaid connections, internet via GPRS, infotainment services, voice SMS, roaming, among others.

For a new subscription, Teletalk requires a copy of identity card, passport size photographs and a utility bill for address proof. Prepaid users have plans such as Agami 2G, Ekush 2G, Bijoy, Shadheen, Standard and Shapla. Each of these plans come with voice call features, SMS and data plans. Payments for bills can be made at Bank Booths, Customer Care Points or using a Scratch Card. For business users, Teletalk has corporate packages for prepaid, postpaid and internet. If looking for blazing fast browsing experience, Teletalk’s 3G packages offer just that. For more information, visit the website or speak to a Teletalk customer service representative.

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Last Update: November 3, 2015