Contact Teleflora: Find below customer service details of Teleflora, including phone and address. You can reach the below contacts for complaints or queries on Teleflora products and services, online orders, home delivery of flowers,or other questions. Besides contact details, the page offers information and links on Teleflora services.

Teleflora Head Office
11444 W. Olympic Blvd.,
4th Fl., Los Angeles, CA 90064,
United States

Teleflora Customer Service
Phone: 1-800-835-3356
Email: [email protected]

By Post
Customer Service, Teleflora
P.O. Box 60910
Los Angeles, CA 90060-0910, USA

Online Order
Visit the Teleflora website to place a flower order online. Items can be selected by occasion, product or price. Payment for purchases can be made by Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, American Express and PayPal. Most of Teleflora's items are delivered the same day.

Find a Florist
Click here to find a florist by city, state or zip code.

About Teleflora
telefloraTeleflora was founded in the year 1934. The company makes sending flowers, plants, and gift items easy with its network of over 16,000 florists in US and Canada. Outside North America, Teleflora has over 20,000 member florists. People can also use Teleflora to send flowers to more than 165 countries outside US. Further, customers can earn reward points through Teleflora's customer loyalty program. Members can earn bonus points and exclusive discounts on products.

On the website, people can buy products by price or occasions such as birthdays, anniversary, funeral, housewarming, among others. Types of flowers found include roses, tulips, lilies, daisies, sunflowers, gerberas, carnations, tropical flowers, orchids and hydrangeas.  Note that Teleflora does not cancel or change orders already in process at the florist.

Fiji Water, POM Wonderful, Paramount Farms and Paramount Citrust are some of the sister companies of Teleflora. Visit the website or speak with a Teleflora customer service representative for more details.

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Last Update: September 1, 2015