Contact Ranikot Fort: Find below customer service details of Ranikot Fort, Pakistan, including phone and email. Reach the contacts below for queries, complaints or feedback.

Ranikot Fort
Sann, Sindh, Pakistan

Customer Service
Phone:+92 345 5220488

About Ranikot Fort
Ranikot Fort is a popular tourist destination in Pakistan. Located in Jamshoro District of Sindh, the historical fort is said to have been constructed in the 17th century. The architects of Ranikot Fort are unknown, some attribute it to Arabs while few others mention Persians. The fort is on the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Also known as the Great Wall of Singh, the Ranikot Fort is believed to be the largest in the world. Within the structure there are three inner forts named Miri Kot, Sher Garh and Mohan Kot. The outer walls measure more than 35 kms in length. Located about 30 km southwest of Sann, the fort is surrounded by beautiful hills, valleys and streams. For more information or queries on tickets, timings, transportation, or others, reach the Ranikot Fort customer service.

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Last Update: January 11, 2017