Contact Lyft: Find below customer service details of Lyft. Besides contact details, the page provides a brief overview of the ridesharing app and its services. Reach the Lyft customer service below for queries, complaints or feedback.

Lyft Head Office
2300 Harrison St, San Francisco,
CA 94110, United States

Lyft Customer Service
Phone: 855-865-9553
Phone: 866-292-2713

About Lyft
lyft customer serviceLyft is a cab booking company founded by Logan Green and John Zimmer in 2012. Through the Lyft smartphone app, users can connect with local drivers nearest to location. Lyft allows users to book for solo or ride-sharing with others. Lyft, Lyft Line and Lyft Plus are the chief products. Lyft Plus offers more space and can accommodate up to six passengers. Lyft Line allows to ride with fellow passengers in same direction. The price of trip is fixed up-front.

Lyft has presence in more than 200 US cities, including Phoenix, San Francisco, Washington DC, Newark, New York, Seattle, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, Detroit, Boston, Dallas, Memphis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Tulsa, Cleveland, Charlotte, Orlando and Miami. It also has operations in Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

The company offers corporate solutions for business travellers for morning and evening commutes. Payment can be made using credit cards, including American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover and prepaid cards. A debit card linked to a checking account as well can be added to account. After a ride, users can also choose to tip a drive or leave a review. Lyft verifies and does background check of all its drivers. Lyft also makes it easy for drivers to make an income by being part of the network. The application process takes several weeks. View the requirements section on the signup page for Lyft’s vehicle age and other details. For more information or queries on payment, refund, cancellation, or others, reach the Lyft customer service.

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Last Update: June 26, 2016