Contact ClassPass: Find below customer service details of ClassPass. Besides contact details, the page provides a brief overview of the company and its services. Reach the ClassPass customer service below for queries, complaints or feedback.

ClassPass Head Office
ClassPass Inc.,
275 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10001

ClassPass Customer Service
Email: [email protected]

About ClassPass
classpassClassPass is a network of fitness studios and gyms that can be accessed by members across the US, Canada, Australia and UK. Founded in the year 2013, the company boasts of having accomplished more than 17 million reservations. The gym membership cost depends on plan type and city. Fitness classes that can be explored include gym, Cycling, Yoga, Pilates, Kayaking, HIIT, Boxing, Barre and Dance.

ClassPass service is currently available in over 8,000 locations around the globe. Internet users can search for classes on the website or smartphone app by locations, time or activities. ClassPass is monthly recurring membership and will automatically renew every month. Users can start first month on ClassPass with the Base plan that comes with restricted classes. The Core plan includes 10 classes and ranges from $100 – $135 a month. The Unlimited plan provides unlimited classes and access to thousands of studios and gyms. If you cannot make it to a class, users can cancel 12 hours in advance. For more information or queries on membership, payment, renewal, cancellation, or others, reach the ClassPass customer service.

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Last Update: June 1, 2016