Contact Carbonite: Find below customer service details of Carbonite company, including phone and address. You can reach these below contacts for queries or complaints on Carbonite software/services, online shopping, refund/cancellation, technical support or other questions. Besides contact details, the page also offers information and links on Carbonite services.

Carbonite Head Office
177 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Carbonite Customer Service
Phone: 877-665-4466 (within US)
Phone: +1 617-587-1100 (international)

Business Products
Phone: 877-334-7621 (US)
Phone: +1-617-587-1139 (international)

Purchase Carbonite Products
To download or try free trial of Carbonite products, click here.

About Carbonite
carbonite-backupCarbonite was founded in the year 2005. The company offers software-based backup for home and business purposes. Since its launch, Carbonite has backed over 100 billion files. Each day, it backs up more than 200 million files worldwide. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, Carbonite has customers in over 100 countries. The company has data centers in Boston and Somerville. Carbonite employs some 200+ people.

For home purpose, there are three different Carbonite plans – Home, HomePlus and HomePremier. Through Caronite, one can backup photos, email, documents, music, videos and much more. All files  remain encrypted on servers for security purpose. Note that Carbonite can be used only for online backup and not storage. After installing Carbonite, the software starts backing up files automatically. Files can be accessed from any web browser or even smartphones. Besides Carbonite Home, there is Carbonite Business for business owners.

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Last Update: September 1, 2015