Contact BHEL (India): Find below contact details of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, including phone and address. You can reach these below contacts for queries or complaints on BHEL services, office locations, job openings or other questions. Besides contact details, the page also offers information on BHEL services.

BHEL Head Office
BHEL House,
Siri Fort, New Delhi – 110049
Fax: +91 11 26493021

BHEL Office Contact
Phone: +91 11 66337000
Email: [email protected]

About BHEL
bhel-companyBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) was established in the year 1964. The company is one of the largest engineering and manufacturing companies in India. Headquartered in Delhi, BHEL has over 15 manufacturing divisions, eight service centers, 15 regional centers and operate at over 150 project sites across India and abroad. As of 2011, BHEL employed some 47,000 people.

BHEL serves a range of sectors that include Power, Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas and Defence. The company designs, engineers and manufactures products such as boilers, fabric filters, gas turbines, piping systems, steam turbines, compressors, valves, steam generators, capacitors, brushings, insulators, switchgears, energy meters, power semiconductor devices, electric rolling stock, mini/micro hydro sets, solar lanterns, wind electric generators, fuel cells, load sensors, automated storage & retrievals, among others.

Internationally, BHEL exports its products and services to more than 70 countries. It has installed generating capacity of over 8,500 MW outside of India in 21 countries, including Malaysia, Iraq, UAE, Egypt and New Zealand. During the year 2010-11, BHEL invested Rs.10,050 Million on R&D efforts. In 2010-11, BHEL had a turnover of Rs 4,33,370 million.

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Last Update: September 1, 2015