Contact Linksys (Cisco): Find below customer service details of Linksys, including phone and address. You can reach the below contact for Linksys wireless routers, drivers, softwares, wireless drivers, firmware, technical support or other queries on Linksys products. Besides contact details the page also offers information and links on Linksys services.

Linksys Head Office
120 Theory Drive
Irvine, CA 92617
United States of America
Phone: (949) 823-3000
Fax: (949) 823-3008

Customer Service (USA)
General: (800) 546-5797
Technical Support: (800) 326-7114
Shopping Support: (877) 959-7467

International Customer Support
You can reach the below contact for queries on Linksys wireless routers, drivers or other queries on Linksys products.

Asia Pacific
Australia: 1 800 605 971
Indonesia: 001 803 011 3833
New Zealand: 0800 441 528
Thailand: 001 800 12 066 5750
Thailand(2): 02 657 4011
India: 1 800 419 5797
Singapore: 800 120 4280
Hong Kong: 800 901 205
Malaysia: 1 800 812 358
Vietnam: 1 800 545 485
Philippines: 1 800 1 114 1695

Middle East/Africa
UAE: 04 455 6801
Saudi: 800 844 5905
S Africa: 27 11 267 1005

Latin America
Argentina: 0-800-666-1771
Brazil: 4003-4849
Mexico: 001-800-314-0939
Colombia: 01-800-9-15-6234
Costa Rica: 0-800-012-1511
El Salvador: 1-800-6341
Puerto Rico: 1-800-326-7114
Uruguay: 000-413-598-3263
Venezuela: 0-800-1-00-4591

Austria: 0120 609 1158
Norway: 241 59849
Netherlands: 0900 564 6000
Belgium: 022 008 299
Czech Repub: 239 014 221
Romania: 0800 833 054
Denmark: 43 68 22 10
Russia: 8 800 200 09 02
Denmark: 43 68 22 10
Slovenia: 0800 80 567
Finland: 09 72 519 251
Spain: 902 027 997
France: 08 25 54 01 11
Sweden: 08 51 761 668
Germany: 0180 501 2389
Greece: 00800 44146694
Switzerland: 0445 118 237
Hungary: 06 17 779 259
Ireland: 01 5245 362
Turkey: 0212 4442726
Italy: 02 914 833 73
UK: 0871 200 0498


Cisco – Linksys Store
To purchase Cisco products, whether Linksys routers, valet routers, adapters, switches, network cameras or cables click here

Linksys Retailer
To locate a retailer from where you can purchase Linksys products click here. Linksys products can be also bought from Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart,,, Staples, Office Depot, TigerDirect and Target.

Live Chat
Click here to chat with Cisco (Linksys) sales or support team.

To download software or manuals for your Linksys products click here

For special offers/discounts from Cisco click here

About Linksys
linksys logoLinksys was founded by Janie and Victor Tsao in the year 1988. It was later acquired by Cisco Systems, the pioneer of IP-based networking technologies. Linksys manufactures network hardwares for computers, mainly wireless routers used by both home and business users.  Cisco employs some 73,000 people worldwide.  The company has over 465 offices in 165 countries.

Linksys products include E-Series Routers (E4200 Dual-Band N Router, E3200 Dual-Band N Router, E1500 Wireless-N Router, E1200 Wireless-N Router, X2000, RE1000 Wireless-N Range Extender, WAP610N Wireless-N Access Point and more), Valet Routers, Adapters (AE2500 Dual-Band N USB, AE1200 Wireless-N USB and more), Entertainment Bridges, Switches (SE2800 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet, SE2500 5-Port Gigabit Ethernet, Network Cables and more), Network Cameras (Linksys WVC80N), umi telepresence, Network Cables and more. All orders from Cisco online store are shipped for free. Consumers can pay with Visa card, MasterCard, American Express or PayPal. There is also a 90 day return policy.

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Last Update: September 11, 2011