Contact Amar Chitra Katha: Find below customer care, phone of Amar Chitra Katha. Besides contact details, the page offers information and links on Amar Chitra Katha services. Reach the Amar Chitra Katha customer care for questions on new orders, subscription plans, seeking return, etc.

Amar Chitra Katha Head Office
ACK Media Direct Pvt Ltd
India Book House Pvt. Ltd.
Arch No. 29, West Approach,
Near Race Cource, Mahalaxmi,
Mumbai – 400034

Amar Chitra Katha Customer Care
Phone: 022 40497436 / 35
Email: [email protected]
Track Order
To track your Amar Chitra Katha order click here.

About Amar Chitra Katha
Amar Chitra Katha was founded by Anant Pai in the year 1967. Currently, owned and managed by ACK Media, Amar Chitra Katha has grown to be one of India’s largest publisher of comic series. There are more than 400 comics in 20 plus languages. Reportedly, some 1.5 million copies are sold each year.

Some of the popular Amar Chitra Katha books are on epic and mythology, and are found in the form of picture books, DVDs etc. Besides, Tinkle, Karadi Tales, Robin Age, Bayard and Brainwave are among the many best seller titles. Not just libraries and stories, now Amar Chitra Katha books can also be purchased online. ACK Media ships to both India and international. All shipments within India will be received by 5-8 days of receipt of payment.

Payment for purchases online can be made by cheque, debit card, net banking, money order or credit card. Customers can also subscribe to comic series directly from the website. Products can be filtered by categories such as epic and mythology, fables, humour and Indian classics, price and newly arrived. For questions or assistance on new or existing orders, reach the Amar Chitra Katha customer care by phone or email.

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Last Update: June 23, 2013