Contact Google AdWords: Find below customer support details of Google AdWords, including phone and email. You can reach the below contact for queries on Google AdWords campaign management, cost, technical support, ad position, account login, clicks, billing or other questions on AdWords products.

Google AdWords Customer Support
Reach the below contact to speak to a customer service representative. The numbers are exclusively for current AdWords advertisers. Before dialing the number make sure you have your customer ID ready.

USA: 1-866-2GOOGLE
Argentina: 0800-222-4664
Australia: 1800-287-850
Austria: 0810 1025 1509
Belgium: 0703 59 959
Brazil: 0800 709 4664
Canada: 1-866-2GOOGLE
Chile: 0800 646 226
China: 800-990-9020
Colombia: 01800 7466 453
Costa Rica: 01800 7466 453
Czech Rep: 420 239 000 500
Denmark: 7012 1511
Finland: 01080 4482
France: 0811 650 221
Germany: 0180 111 1134
Greece: 00800-441-481-96
Hong Kong: 852 3923 5777
Hungary: 0680-983-840
India: 1800 258 2554
Indonesia: 1803 0177 052
Ireland: 1890 907 106
Israel: 1-809-448554
Italy: 840-320-106
Japan: 0120-590-092
Malaysia: 1800-815-872
Mexico: 01-800-123-3322
Netherlands: 0900 0400 898
New Zealand: 0800-726230
Norway: 810 02 805
Philippines: 1-800-1-110-1295
Poland: (00)800-441-1830
Portugal: 808-202-783
Puerto Rico: 1-866-954-7482
Romania: 0800-896-880
Russia: 810-800-252-31044
Singapore: 18005218590
Slovakia: 800-004-406
Slovenia: 0800-80200
South Africa: 0800-981-805
Spain: 901 010 016
Sweden: 0200 125 776
Switzerland: 0848 560 155
Thailand: 1800-15-62064881
Turkey: 00800-448-25333
Ukraine: 0-800-502162
UK: 0845 358 0038
Uruguay: 0004-054-414
Venezuela: 0800-100-5607
Vietnam: 1800 9294


AdWords Feedback
Have a feedback or complaint on Google AdWords? click here to reach the Google AdWords support.

Google AdWords Forum
Have a question on your AdWord campaign, ad position, clicks, performance, analytics, billing, payment or others? click here to post your question on the Google AdWords forum to get answers from experts.

AdWords Keyword Tool
Want keyword suggestions and traffic estimates for the keyword you want to run your Google AdWord advertisement campaign? click here to access the AdWord keyword tool

Google AdWords Tools
Google AdWords offers several tools for its advertisers and it includes Keyword Tool, Search-based Keyword Tool, New Placement Tool, Conversion Tracking, Ads Preview Tool, Ads Diagnostic Tool, IP Exclusion, Site and Category Exclusion, Traffic Estimator and Website Optimiser.

AdWords Tutorials
Want to learn more on Google AdWords? Click here to visit the Google AdWords resource page where you can watch videos and learn from experts. You get free online training for success with AdWords. For online support on Google AdWords click here. You can read recommended articles and frequently asked questions here.

About Google AdWords
google-adwordsAdWords is a Google advertising product launched in the year 2003. It offers both pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per thousand (CPM) advertising. Besides showing the ads on Google search results page, advertisers can also target specific sites related to their campaign. To determine which ads will show, Google looks at both keyword bids and ad quality. Google revenues from AdWords stood at USD$28 billion in 2010.

Through Google AdWords advertisers can show their ads on Google search page and pay for it only when people click to visit their website. Advertisers can target customers in any corner of the world and can target customers by specifying phrases or keywords that is related to their business. Advertisers pay for the ad only when it is clicked. One can have a text ad or image ad of different sizes. Besides Google, the ads also appear on relevant sites of Google’s Display Network partner sites. Google offers both contextual targeting and placement targeting. The best part is, you can set a budget and can stop the ad when you want. You can even specify how much you are willing to pay for each click. You can pay through credit card, debit card or net banking.

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Last Update: September 29, 2011